Tamaño: Mediano
F.NacAprox.: 2014
F.NacAprox.: 2014
Malolo es parte de una camada de 7 cachorros, 2 de ellos ya están adoptados y nos quedan 5. Son cruce de pastor alemán de pelo corto. Moro es algo tímido y que mejor para ayudarle a superar su timidez que una buena casa donde reciba muchos mimos. Se lleva bien con perros tanto machos como hembras.
Malolo has 7 brothers, two of them were adopted, the rest are in the refuge. He is X of German shepherd with short hair. He is shy because he never knows a good family. He needs love and hugs. He is OK with other dogs.
Malolo has 7 brothers, two of them were adopted, the rest are in the refuge. He is X of German shepherd with short hair. He is shy because he never knows a good family. He needs love and hugs. He is OK with other dogs.
Si no puedes adoptar, puedes ayudarnos difundiendo o colaboraborando, te lo agradeceremos.
- Grupo Teaming, por sólo 1 euro al mes:
- Número de cuenta: ES22 2038 6103 50 3000070937 BIC: CAHMESMMXXX
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